Our Aims
Who we provide support for
Our Objectives
- Promote the clients dignity, respect and independence at all times.
- To undertake robust care planning with appropriate risk assessments tailor-made to meet the client’s needs. This care planning process will be reviewed regularly as well as when individual needs change.
- Encourage the client to be a part of their service delivery by supporting them to make informed choices about their own care needs.
- To work collaboratively with other services and professionals that may be involved in the provision of the clients personal, nursing, social or medical needs to provide a seamless, supportive environment for our clients to remain in their own home.
- To evaluate our service care provision by listening and receiving written/verbal feedback from our clients and their representatives to help us learn, develop and improve the quality of services we provide.
- To ensure staff employed by us are competent, well trained and supported by managers in undertaking their roles in a safe and professional manner. This will include regular 1:1’s with staff and supervised practise.
- To ensure we have and continue to develop robust policies and procedures that supports our service users and staff, in line with essential legislation requirements.
- To provide a professional, consistent and reliable service to our clients and their families where appropriate.
- To promote equality and diversity by ensuring client’s beliefs, religion, culture, marital status, sexual orientation, age, disability, gender and race are respected and valued.
- To maintain confidentiality.
Kerry worked as a registered general nurse within the National Health Service for nearly 15 years. Kerry has gained a wealth of knowledge and experience over the years working as a community staff nurse initially and latterly as a District Nurse Team Leader responsible for a team of staff and a large caseload of patients. Kerry possesses many transferable skills and experience in all social and healthcare issues relevant to providing individual care and appropriate assessment of needs for service users. Kerry Johns has a GNVQ Advanced in Health and Social Care, a Diploma in Adult Nursing and a BSC (Hons) Degree in Health Studies. Kerry lives in the Bideford area, she is married with 2 children and enjoys seeing friends,family and taking their dog Benji for walks.
Lesley worked for the National Health Service for over 20 years. She worked in the acute setting, gaining invaluable knowledge on various wards. She developed experience in end of life care needs whilst working for Marie Curie and for 14 years in the community setting for the District nurses and the complex care team. Lesley has gained a vast amount of knowledge and skills within the health and social care sector. Lesley Yeo has a Foundation Degree in Health and Social care. Lesley lives in the Bradworthy area, where she loves to spend time with her dog Bill, working in her garden. She also has two grandchildren that spend a lot of time with her.
Our Team
The staff allocated to support you will be chosen in order to match their skills with your needs, and also to minimise travelling distances in order to support good time attendance. Manager’s will also be included within the staffing levels. Staffing levels may be changed at the discretion of the Manager if there are particular needs. Care staff work on a rota system which ensures that the service is staffed by the appropriate number and skill mix, including weekends and public holidays. New employees will be inducted to National Training Organisation standards within 12 weeks of employment, this will include completion of the care certificate. We put employees on the appropriate training required dependent on their individual experience and current qualifications.
All employees receive annual training in Health and Safety matters such as Moving and Handling, Infection Control, Food preparation. Administration of Medication and First Aid.
We manage and train our employees with the aim that all our carers achieve at least QCF Diploma Level 2 and proceed to higher levels as they progress in the company.
Please see staff profile included in your welcome pack for more detailed information on our team.
Services we can provide is assisstance with personal care and personal hygiene including: showering, washing, bathing, dressing / grooming, oral care, toileting, changing of stoma bags, catheter care / hygiene, changing of continence pads, attatching / removing conveens, shaving, assisstance with getting in / out of bed, checking skin integrity ie pressure areas, emptying commodes.
Rural Care have staff who are trained to administer and / or prompt medication. We can assist with shopping, help you to prepare meals and drinks. We can also assisst with laundry. Such as putting laundry washing going/hanging on the line / airer stripping and making beds